Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler campaign speech

    Hitler campaign speech
    Hitler campaigned to become chancellor
  • Hitler appointed chancellor

    Hitler appointed chancellor
    After the campaign hitler is elected chancellor
  • Establishment of Dachau camp

    Establishment of Dachau camp
    The SS establishes the Dachau concentration camp in March 1933.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    Members of the Nazi Party and its affiliated organizations organize a nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany.
  • Hitler becomes dictator

    Hitler becomes dictator
    The president dies which leads to Hitler becoming dictator
  • Muncih agreement

    Muncih agreement
    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement.
  • Kristallnaught

    n a nationwide pogrom called Kristallnacht, members of the Nazi Party and other Nazi formations burn synagogues, loot Jewish homes and businesses, and kill at least 91 Jews.
  • first kindertransport arrives in great britain

    first kindertransport arrives in great britain
    In desperation, Jewish parents send their unaccompanied children abroad to escape Nazi persecution.