• Period: to


  • Rise in Power

    Rise in Power
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party came to power in Germany
  • Loss of citizenship

    Loss of citizenship
    Jewish people living in Germany were stripped of their citizenship
  • Kristallnacht(Night of Broken Glass)

    Kristallnacht(Night of Broken Glass)
    A Jewish citizen had killed a German official which led to harsher Jewish persecution
  • Germany's expansion

    Germany's expansion
    Germany had started expanding leading to more Jews being persecuted
  • Final Solution Begins

    Final Solution Begins
    The already hateful campaign led by Hitler gets worse with him enacting the Final Solution by sending the Jews he had to camps to die
  • Jewish Mass Shooting

    Jewish Mass Shooting
    After Germany had invaded the Soviet Union they begun a mass shooting on local Jewish people
  • Girls killed by Einsatzgruppen

    Girls killed by Einsatzgruppen
    A group of young girls along with more jewish people were killed by Hitler's Einsatzgruppen
  • The End of the Holocaust

    The End of the Holocaust
    Upon the loss of Germany in 1945 the Holocaust had stopped and the concentration camps slowly but surely had stopped being manned