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Holocaust Timeline

  • The Beginning.

    The Beginning.
    On January 30th, 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor. Almost immediately after, the state became a regime where citizens would have no guaranteed rights.
  • Propaganda

    Propaganda was the main form of media that'd convince those that the targeted people were horrible and deserved everything that was happening to them.
  • The Regime

    The Regime
    This regime established the first concentration camps, which would imprison individuals such as political opponents, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others that would go against the ruling.
  • Hitler's ruling

    Hitler's ruling
    During the first six years of Hitler's rule, all Jews were outcasted and felt the full effects of more than 400 decrees and regulations aimed specifically toward them.
  • Invasion

    On 9/1/1939, Germany invaded Poland and would go on to continue invading other countries, conquering much of Europe.
  • Confiscating Jewish Property

    Confiscating Jewish Property
    Nazis would go on to confiscate Jewish property and force them to wear an armband which on it was the Star of David, this was so they could identify who was Jewish.
  • Camps and Ghettos

    Camps and Ghettos
    They force the Jews into Ghettos, which were government-controlled areas with very little food, most people would end up resorting to stealing to survive. For labor camps, which included back-breaking work, and very little food. People were most often worked to death.
  • Turning On the Soviet Union

    Turning On the Soviet Union
    In June 1941, Germany turned on the Soviet Union. Using local civilian and police support, Einsatzgruppen, followed the German army and carried out mass shootings as it continued into Soviet lands.