Holocaust Timeline

  • Nazis

    The Nazis had concentrated on silencong their political oppenents communists, socialist, liberals, and anyone else who spoke out against the government.
  • Jews targeted

    The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, jobs, and property.
  • Kristallnacht.

    It became knows as Kristallnacht.
  • St. Louis

    Official indifference to the flight of Germany's Jews was in evidence on the case of the ship St. Louis
  • The Final Solution

    Only about a quarter million Jews remained in Germany.Gypsies whom the nazis believed to be an inferior race. Freemansons whomk the nazis charged as supporters if the Jewish conspiracy to rual the world. Jevovah's Witnesses who refused to join the army or salute Hitler. The nazis also targeted other Germans whom they found unfit to be part of the master race.
  • Death camps

    Chelmno began operating in 1941 before the meeting at Wannsee. Each camp had several huge gas chambers in which as many as 12,000 people could get killed a day.
  • The Final Stage

    Hitler's top officials agreed to begin a new phase of the mass murder of Jews. To mass slaughter and starvation they would add a third method of killing -murder by poison gas.
  • persecution Begins

    Hitler took power in Germany he ordered al non Aryans to be removed from government jobs.