Holocaust Time line

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Germany had to lose man, lose military, and money.
  • Hyper Inflation

    prices start rising rapidly
  • Beerhall Putsch

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German gov.
  • Hitler on Trial

    goes to trial for treason
  • Period: to


    the president was a popular was hero named Hindenburg.
  • Anne Frank is born

    Anne Frank is born
  • Hitler is now named Chancellor

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler goes in power because Germany needed some one to help
  • Period: to


    The Holocaust was a great destruction to the Jews
  • Reichstag Fire

    Hitler blames Communists for fire.
  • Enabling Act

    all political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated
  • Period: to

    Camp Redellions

  • Nueremberg Laws

    excluded the Jews from German life,
  • The Night of Broken Glass

    Everyone burned down Jewish synagogues and Jewish stores and homes.
  • G invades P

  • Ghettos

  • Euthanasia

    killed disabilities and people with a different sexuality
  • very first death camp

  • Wannsee Conference

  • Period: to


    Mobil killing squad
  • Mr.Dussel moves into the secret annex

  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

  • Period: to

    Death Marches

  • Secret Annex is descovered

  • Lideration of Concentration Camps

    Jews were set free but after they still had to get back up on their feet
  • Liberation

    camps being liberated
  • Suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
  • Anne's death

  • Mr.Frank returns to the annex and finds Anne's diary

  • Displaced persons camp

    place for refuges
  • Period: to

    Nuremberg Trials

    were a series of military tribunals, held by the Allied forces after World War II,
  • Anne Frank's family goes into hiding

    Family is hiding from germany
  • Emigration

    wanted to move to europe