Adolf Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany
Books by Jews and opponents of Nazism are burned publicly.
Adolph Hitler declares himself president and chancellor of the Third Reich after the death of Paul von Hindenburg.
First major wave of arrests of homosexuals occurs throughout Germany, continuing into November.
Hitler violates the Versailles Treaty by renewing the compulsory military draft.
Jews are prohibited from serving in the German armed forces.
Jewish doctors are no longer permitted to practice in government institutions in Germany.
Hitler's army invades the Rhineland.
Buchenwald concentration camp opens
Jews can obtain passports for travel outside of Germany only in special cases.
The German government announces Jews must carry identification cards.
Jews must sell their businesses and real estate and hand over their securities and jewelry to the government at artificially low prices.
Germany invades and occupies Czechoslovakia.
Soviet-German Non-aggression Pact signed.
Approximately 164,000 Polish Jews are concentrated and imprisoned in the Lódz ghetto which is established and sealed off from the outside world.
The Warsaw ghetto is closed off with approximately 500,000 inhabitants.
Romania passes law condemning adult Jews to forced labor.
The German army invades North Africa
The German government closes all Jewish schools.
A special internment camp for non-Jewish Polish youth is opened in Lódz.
The Danish citizens smuggle most of the nation's Jews to neutral Sweden.
The inmates at Sobibor initiate an armed rebellion.
The Nazis begin deportation of Hungarian Jews. Over 430,000 Jews are sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau where most are gassed.
German officers fail and are caught in an attempt to assassinate Hitler.
Troops from the United States liberate Mauthausen concentration camp.
The war crimes tribunal is convened at Nuremberg, Germany.