Hitler Declared Nazi Party Candidate For Presidential Elections
Hitler loses run-off election for the German presidency to Paul von Hindenberg
The Nazi party wins control of the Reichstag
Germany lifts its ban on Nazi storm troopers
Adolph Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
The Reichstag (seat of German Government) burns in Berlin
Reports of Nazi mistreatment of Jews
Pres. Paul von Hindenburg of Germany dies
Adolf Hitler is now a Reichsfuhrer
a Reichsfuhrer is an officer whos duties are a combination between Chancellor and President -
Hitler introduces mandatory military service
German-British Naval Treaty signed
Germany denounced the Treat of Lacarno and reoccupied the Rhineland
Hitler and Mussolini sign the Rome-Berlin axis accord
Hitler repeals the Treaty of Versailles
A new order deprives Jews of manicipal citizenchip
Hitler takes over the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia
American leaders dissaprove of Nazi persecutions
Nazis sieze more of Czechoslovakia
Hitlers avoids an assassination attempt
Germans begin the construction of Auschwitz
Germany invades Norway and Denmark
Germany invades The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
Germany bombs London
Nazis murder 33,771 Jews at Kiev
Hitler takes control of entire German Army
Mass murder of Jews by gassing begins at Auschwitz
Hitler orders the execution of all captured British commandos
Germans surrender at Stalingrad in the first big defeat of Hitler's armies
Jewish resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto ends
A Jewish inmate, Siegfried Lederer, escapes from Auschwitz
First transports of Jews from Athens to Auschwitz, totaling 5,200 people
Anne Frank and family arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam, Holland
Americans free 33,000 people from concentration camps
Nazis evacuate 66,000 people from Auschwitz