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Holocaust Major Events

  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler turning into the Chancellor of Germany is a huge turning point in history. His plans would make Germany a powerful country. A lot of nationalists supported him, they wanted the Germany they use to have. He began conspiring at the very start, he applied the Nazi Police, Nazi youth program and more.
  • First Concentration Camp *Dachau*

    First Concentration Camp *Dachau*
    It was built in 1933 by Heinrich Himmler. The original purpose was to hold political prisoners. Dachau camp was located on the grounds of an old munition factory. The camp's purpose was enlarged to include forced labor and housed ordinary German and Austrian criminals. Eventually foreign nationals from countries that Germany occupied or invaded were sent here. It became a death camp for Jews
  • Nazi Boycott

    Nazi Boycott
    In April 1st, 1933 The Nazi begun a boycott for Jewish owned shops and businesses. Taking the property from them immedianty, no time to take things out. They basically just expropriated their hard-working aquierments.
  • Jews are Deprived from Basic Rights

    Jews are Deprived from Basic Rights
    This started in 1935 and lasted six long years. Jews had radically unjust rights that deprived them from having a normal life.
  • ‘Nuremburg Race Laws’ AKA German Laws against Jews

    ‘Nuremburg Race Laws’ AKA German Laws against Jews
    The Nuremberg Laws implemented racial theories from the Nazi ideology. They prohibited Jews from having any type of relationship with German people, or german relatoed blood.
  • Nazi annexed Austria and applies racial jewish laws

    Nazi annexed Austria and applies racial jewish laws
    In this date the Germans marched into Austria to conquer ‘Third-Reich’, a german-speaking nation. But this wasn’t the first attack, then in later 1938, they conspired once again to gain power of the Austrian government in order to expand the German horizons.
  • “Night of broken glass” or “Reichskristallnacht”

    “Night of broken glass” or “Reichskristallnacht”
    The Night of Broken Glass is the notorious name for the up to then worst pogrom (or persecution) against the German Jews. It took place throughout the German Reich on 9-10 November 1938.
  • Germany invades Poland; officially starting World War II

    Germany invades Poland; officially starting World War II
    To Hitler, the conquest of Poland would bring Lebensraum (or “living space”) for the German people. Hitler had conquered Austria without the declaration of war from UK and France, so he didn't fear the attack of Poland to much. Germany also thought of Poland as their land administered by Poland, so technically (to them) it was already theirs.
  • Jews are forced to wear yellow stars

    Jews are forced to wear yellow stars
    Making Jews wear yellow stars just turned them into a category. A section of humans, a thing. You don't make 'normal' people wear a label, but to the Nazi, Jews were 'a thing'. Less than humans, they needed a new stratosphere; where Jews were at the bottom. This star took away Jewish dignity and identity.
  • Jews are forced into ghettos and concentration camps

    Jews are forced into ghettos and concentration camps
    Jews were forced into early concentrations camps like Auschwitzs. Where they would actually help finish their construction. Meanwhile, they captured more Jews and sent ridiculous trains to bring them there.
  • German forces conquer Yugoslavia and Greece

    German forces conquer Yugoslavia and Greece
    Hitler had put pressure on Yugoslavia to join the Axis. Yugoslavia joined the Tripartite Pact. This move provoked strong public reaction. They had to invade Greece because Italy had tried to and the Greek and British armies were defeating them. So Germany invaded it so save Italy from defeat.
  • Western Allies deport massacre of Jews but take no action

    Western Allies deport massacre of Jews but take no action
    The Western Allies (AKA U.S., Britain, France, Brazil, Canada, China, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Yugoslavia) had been kind of warning Germany to stop attacking. But they never really 'did' anything that threatened them or made them want to stop/fear the allies.
  • 80% to 85% of all jews have officially died in 'The Holocaust'

    80% to 85% of all jews have officially died in 'The Holocaust'
    By 1943, about 5,860,000 Jews were killed. All of this was a slow moving process that summed up to horrible disaster called The Holocaust. In 1943, 80% to 85% of all Jews were dead. Only a small population of 20% to maybe even 15% lived on to modern ages.
  • All concentration camps officially have gas chambers

    All concentration camps officially have gas chambers
    In November, 1944 a law was passed that suggested every concentration camp should have gas chamber, Gas chambers were used specifically for kids younger than twelve, pregnant women, and Jews older than fifty. They were considered useless to 'Germany' because they couldnt do as much as required.
  • Nazi take over Hungary deporting thousands of Jews

    Nazi take over Hungary deporting thousands of Jews
  • Hitler is dead concluding WWII

    Hitler is dead concluding WWII
  • WW2 Officially Ended

    WW2 Officially Ended
    The final battles of the of WWII as well as the German surrender to the Western Allies and the Soviet Union happened in late April and early May 1945. The total number of prisoners taken by the Western Allies was 1,500,000. The Declaration regarding the 'Defeat of Germany' and the Assumption of Supreme Authority by Allied Powers was signed by the four Allies on 5 June. This conlcuded a large part of the History of the world.