first concetration camp in Dachau
boycott of Jewish businesses
Hitler cliams that he is the so called leader and armed forces must swear allegiance to him
Jews didnt help Germany out
Jews no longer were considered German citezens
Jewish doctors can no longer practice medicine in German
Sachsenhausen concentration camp begins
Buchenwald concentration camp begins
Ravensbruck concentration camp begins
17,000 Jews are expelled in Germany
Hitler makes his speech
Jews are forced to were yellow stars
Germany attacks France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg
A concetration camp is being built at Ashchwitz
10,000 jews died by starvation
Germany attacks the Soviet Union
killing begins in Belzic
Gas chambers begins and 250,000 Jews were killed
German 6th army surrenders at Stalingrad
Jewish underground fights with Nazis
Nazis bins to deport Hungarian Jews
liberation of Dachau
Hitler commits suicide