1942 BCE
1942-1944 ~ Deportations
Between 1942 and 1944, trains carrying Jews from German-controlled Europe rolled into one of the six killing centers located along rail lines in occupied Poland.Commonly between 80 and 100 people were crammed into railcars of this type. Deportation trains usually carried 1,000 to 2,000 people.Many died during the extreme conditions of the journey, and most survivors were murdered upon arrival at the killing centers. -
1941 BCE
June 1941~ Mobile killing squads
About a quarter of all Jews who perished in the Holocaust were shot by SS mobile killing squads and police battalions following the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. These units carried out the mass murder of Jews, Roma, and Communist government officials. This man was murdered in the presence of members of the German Army, the German Labor Service, and the Hitler Youth -
1940 BCE
November 1940~ life in the ghetto
In November 1940, German authorities sealed the Warsaw ghetto, severely restricting supplies for the more than 300,000 Jews living there....Ghettos were city districts, often enclosed, in which the Germans concentrated the municipal and some-times regional Jewish population to control and segregate it from the non-Jewish population.Survival was a daily challenge as inhabitants struggled for the bare necessities of food, sanitation, shelter, and clothing. -
1939 BCE
may 1939 ~ America responses
the passenger ship St. Louis—seen here before departing Hamburg—sailed from Germany to Cuba carrying 937 passengers, most of them Jews.... also Unknown to the passengers, the Cuban government had revoked their landing certificates. -
1939 BCE
September 1939~ The war begins
Sections of Warsaw lay in ruins following the invasion
and conquest of Poland by the German military begun in September 1939 that propelled Europe into World War II. For most of the next two years German forces occupied or controlled much of continental Europe. By the end of 1942, however, the Allies were on the offensive and ultimately drove back the German forces.The war in Europe ended with the unconditional surrender of Germany in May 1945. -
1938 BCE
March 1938~ search for refuge
Jews in Vienna wait in line at a police station to obtain exit visas. Following the incorporation of Austria by Nazi Germany in March 1938, and the unleashing of a wave of humiliation, terror, and confiscation, many Austrian Jews attempted to leave the country.
Before being allowed to leave, however, Jews were required to get an exit visa, plus pay large sums of money in taxes and additional fees. -
1935 BCE
September 1935~ Nazi race laws
these laws issued restricted future German citizenship to those
of “German or kindred blood,” and excluded those
deemed to be “racially” Jewish or Roman (Gypsy). these laws prohibited marriage and sexual relation-ships between Jews and non-Jews also. -
1933 BCE
March 1933 ~ takeover of power
Adolf Hitler addressed the first session of the German Parliament (Reichstag) following his appointment as chancellor. with the exception of the Socialists and Communists—passed the “Enabling Act” giving Hitler the power to rule by emergency decree...