Holocaust Genocides

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    Native American Genocide

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus Brought Diseases

    Columbus Brought Diseases
    When Columbus and his men landed in America he brought many diseases such as small pox, measles, flu, whooping cough, typhus, chlorea, scarlet fever. These diseases killed many of the Native Americans.
  • Jan 27, 1493

    Mass Execution

    Mass Execution
    Mass-execution before the arrival of Columbus, the land numbered in 12 million. Four centuries later, it had been reduced by 95%.
    When Columbus returned in 1493 he brought an army of 17 ships. Slavery and mass-extermination was big of the Taino population of the Caribbean. Within three years five million were dead.
  • Treaty of Fort Stanwix 1784

    Treaty of Fort Stanwix 1784
    The United States adopted a policy toward American Indians known as the "conquest" theory. The Iroquois had to ceced lands in western New York and Pennsylvania.
  • Refuse Removal

    Refuse Removal
    By the 1820’s the Cherokees, who had established a written constitution, a newspaper, schools, and industries in their settlements, resisted removal.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    The “Indian Removal” policy was put into action to “clear" land for white settlers. Forced marches at bayonet-point to relocation settlements resulted in high death rates. The removal of the Five Civilized Tribes — the Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws, Cherokees, and Seminoles — is an important event in United States history.
  • Pequot Indians

    Pequot Indians
    Pequot Indians were exterminated by the colonist when they burned their villages in Mystic, Conneticut, and then shot all the other people, including women and children, who tried to escape.
  • Evict Cherokees

    Evict Cherokees
    In 1938 the federal troops evicted the Cherokees. About 4,000 died and was later known as the Trail of Tears. More than one hundred thousand American Indians eventually crossed the Mississippi River under the authority of the Indian Removal Act.