
  • Beginning of the Holocaust

    The Holocaust era began January 1933 when Hitler and his Nazi party came to power
  • Nazi's territory expansion

    During this time Germany annexed neighboring Austria and the Sudetenland and occupied the Czech lands
  • The start of World War 2

    Nazi Germany began WWII by attacking Poland.
  • Nazi Germany starts massacring Jewish communities

    After invading the Soviet Union in June 1941 they started the attacks
  • Jewish Ghettos

    Jewish ghettos sought out to maintain a sense of dignity and community. The most famous ghetto was the Warsaw Ghetto
  • The first major Nazi camp

    The first major camp was in Lublin, Poland and was named Majdanek
  • Soviet Union invades Majdanek

    soviet Union troops came on the night of July 22-23 and captured Lublin on July 24
  • The capturing of Auschwitz

    On January 27, 1945, Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz. Auschwitz was the largest Nazi killing center and concentration camp complex. In the weeks preceding the arrival of Soviet units, Auschwitz camp personnel had forced the majority of Auschwitz prisoners to march westward in what would become known as "death marches." When they entered the camp, Soviet soldiers found over six thousand emaciated prisoners alive. These prisoners greeted the soldiers as their liberators.