Holocaust Events

By Juaan
  • Hitler moves to Vienna

    Hitler moves to Vienna
    His impoverishment and residence in homeless shelters began the following year after he had squandered a generous inheritance. Hitler lives in Vienna until May 1913.
  • The Nazi Party

    The Nazi Party
    The National Socialist German Worker’s Party, also known as the Nazi Party, was the far-right racist and antisemitic political party led by Adolf Hitler.
  • Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany
    The Nazi Party comes to power with the appointment of Adolf Hitler as Chancellor.
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    Hitler Comes to Power
    Hitler rose to power during a time of economic and political instability in Germany. Learn more about how and when Hitler came to power
  • German Military Oaths

    German Military Oaths
    In Nazi Germany, German military personnel swore an oath directly to Adolf Hitler. Learn about the oath and its impact
  • Kristallnacht

    On November 9–10, 1938, the Nazi regime coordinated a wave of antisemitic violence. This became known as Kristallnacht or the "Night of Broken Glass."
  • Auschwitz

    The Auschwitz camp system, located in German-occupied Poland, was a complex of 3 camps, including a killing center. Learn about the history of Auschwitz.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    April 30, 1945. On this date, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin bunker.