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Holocaust Events

  • 1933

    Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi party was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Soon after the Nazi's open their first concentration camps in Germany.
  • 1934

    Hitler proclaims himself Führer und Reichskanzler (Leader and Reich Chancellor). Armed forces must now swear allegiance to him.
  • 1935

    Nuremberg laws decreed. Marriages and relationships between Jews and Germans outlawed. The laws also stripped German Jews of their citizenship and civil rights.
  • 1935

    Germany defines a "Jew": anyone with three Jewish grandparents; someone with two Jewish grandparents who identifies as a Jew.
  • 1936

    Jewish doctors barred from practicing medicine in German institutions. Sachsenhausen concentration camp opens.
  • 1937

    Buchenwald concentration camp opens. It was one of the first and the largest of the concentration camps within Germany's 1937 borders.
  • 1938

    Kristallnacht- program against Jews, perpetrated by SA paramilitary forces and German civilians.
  • 1939

    Beginning of World War II: Germany invades Poland. In the following weeks, 16.336 civilians are murdered by the Nazies in 714 localities. At least 5,000 victims were Jews.