
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The Germany lost land, lost military, and had to pay back the money to the winners.
  • Hyper Inflation

    Prices start to RISE very, very, very, very, RAPIDLY.
  • Period: to

    Weimar Republic

    The President was a popular war hero named Hindenburg.
  • Anne was born.

    June 12,1929
  • Hitler became Chancellor!!

    How had Hitler gained support and worked his way up to Chancellor?
  • Reichstag Fire

    Hitler blames communists for fire...
  • Enabling Act

    Within a few months, all others political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated. This allowed Hitler to get rid of all his rivals.
  • Hitler became Chancellor of Germany!!

    After he became Chancellor he was so powerful he made everyone think, all of the stuff Hitler said was true like him making "Germany a better place."
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nazis needed a ways to identify Jews so they could Discriminate them.
  • Period: to


    The burns of fire (when Adolf Hitler burned the Jews)
  • Euthanasia Program Begins

    Euthanasia-systematic killing of those Germans whom the Nazis deemed Unworthy of life, because of mental illness of physical disability.
    -Eventually, 80,000 people with disabilities will be killed.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    A world war will result in a Jewish race in Europe.
  • Death Camps!!

    First ¨Death Camp¨ opens at Chelmno (in central Poland)...... Van with small gas chambers in the rear are used.
  • Wannsee Conference

    When they decide the ¨final solution¨
  • Period: to


    Mobile killing squid. As the army advanced into the Soviet Union, these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them...usually by shooting.
    The largest mass-killing by Eisatzgruppen on record was at Babi Yar in Ukraine. 33,000 people were killed just under 2 days.
  • Anne Franks family goes into hiding.

    July 9th, 1942
  • Mr.Dussel moves into the secret annex.

  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    Resident smuggled weapons in.
    Uprising lasted for about a month.
    SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended.
  • Period: to

    Camp Rebellions

    Prisoners fought back at death camps... Treblinka Sobibor.
  • Period: to

    Death Marches

    Allies advancing towards death camps, Nazis evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture. Brutal treatment and harsh condition along the way.
  • Secret Annex is discovered and captured by Nazis.

  • Liberation

    Camps throughout Europe are liberated by Allied forces.
  • Hitler Committed Suicide.

    Hitler commits suicide rather than face capture by the Soviet Red Army.
  • What happened to the survivors?

    Displaced person camps, Areas for former prisoners to stay while searching for family and a permanent place to live.
  • Anne's death is confirmed to Otto Frank.

    August: 1945
  • Mr.Frank returns to the Annex and find Anne's diary

  • Period: to

    Nuremberg Trials

    International Community put a number of Germans on trial for War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace and Crimes Against Humanity.
  • Kristallnacht

    The Night of the broken glass in Germany
  • Hitler on trial

    Uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problems of Germany.
  • Beerhall Putsch

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government.
  • Ghetto´s

    Largest Ghettos were in cities like Warsaw or Lodz in Poland.
  • Not Guilty

    Everyone said they were not Guilty, and got a death penalty.