
  • Hilter Rise to Power

    Hilter Rise to Power
    The Great Depression caused Germany to find a ne leader. Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30,1933. He was part of the Nazi Party(National Socialist German Worker). He believed that Germany was a superior race ad promised to end reparations, create jobs and rearm Germany.
  • The first concentration camp

    The first concentration camp
    In 1933, the Nazis established the first concentration camps in Dachau, Germany. They put Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as other people deemed to be "dangerous," in prison. Prisoners were used as slave laborers, subjects in medical research, and mass killing.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act
    On March 23, 1933, the enabling act was passed. The enabling act was a bill that allowed the government to pass laws without the parliament involving. Hitler gained power as a result.
  • Civil Service Reform

    Civil Service Reform
    Over the next year, Nazi Germany and its allies conquered much of Europe. German officials confiscated Jewish properties. In many places, they established ghettos and forced-labor camps for Jews. German Jews felt the effect of the laws that were pass on to restrict all aspect of their public and private lives.
  • Badge

    On September 1, 1941,German authorities reintroduced the Jewish badge. They used this as a vital component of a bigger strategy to persecute and ultimately exterminate the Jewish population in Europe. They used the badge not only to humiliate Jews but also to segregate, watch and control their movements.
  • Mass Killing

    Mass Killing
    The Germans tried to hide their objectives in October 1941 by calling deportations "resettlement to the east." The victims were informed that they would be transferred to labor camps, but from 1942 on, deportation for the majority of Jews traveled to death facilities. Gas vans also appeared on the eastern front in late fall 1941.
  • Theresienstadt

    German authorities establish the camp-ghetto Theresienstadt. The "camp-ghetto" in Theresienstadt lasted for three and a half years. It was neither a strict concentration camp nor a ghetto existed there. It acted as a deceitful weapon with characteristics of both ghettos and concentration camps, acting as a "village," an assembly camp, and a concentration camp.
  • Killing Operation

    Killing Operation
    The Chelmno extermination facility was built by SS and police officials to exterminate the Jewish population of the Wartheland. It was the first fixed facility where Jews were killed in bulk using poison gas. The killing facility was in operation from December 1941 until March 1943 and then briefly in June and early July 1944.