
  • Hitler's Inauguration

    Hitler's Inauguration
    In January of 1933, Adolf Hitler was named chancellor by Paul Von Hindenburg. His political influence gave him a platform to execute his extreme ideas. At his inauguration, he had the supporters in the audience salute to him, accentuating his power.
  • Gestapo Established

    Gestapo Established
    The Gestapo was a police force that served the Nazis. There role was to enforce Nazi laws and the consequences for resisting them. The was the start of Jewish prosecution
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Nuremburg Laws
    The Nuremburg Laws were rules and restrictions that Jews had to follow. This was established in order to put Hitler's race ideas into society legally. It stated Jews could only marry Jews, if you had one Jewish grandparent you were a Jew, etc.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    The Buchenwald camp was filled with political prisoners, Jews, Jehovah witnesses, Roma, etc. It was considered to be one of the largest concentration camps in Germany's borders. The people endured harsh labor, medical experiments, and other heinous actions.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht, also known as the night of broken glass, refers to the destruction of Jewish shops, synagogues, etc. Many people were sent to concentration camps.
  • Star of David

    Star of David
    The Jewish people were forced to wear a yellow star, or an arm band. This was a form of identification, and isolation of Jews from the Germans. This was heavily executed in Germany occupied.
  • Auschwitz is created

    Auschwitz is created
    Auschwitz was one of the most brutal and largest concentration camps established during the holocaust. This is one of the most well-known concentration camps.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    This was a time where the Allied powers prosecuted German representatives involved in the holocaust. 199 were tried, 161 were sentenced, and 37 received the death penalty. This was a signification of the ''end'' of the holocaust.