German troops warsaw

Holocaust assignment

  • Nazi party grew

    Nazi party grew
    The Nazi party gained 18.3% and become the second largest party in German.
  • Nazi party become the biggest party than other parties

    The Nazi party gained 37.4% of the vote in the election.
  • Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor

    Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor
    The German, Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Hitler as a chancellor
  • Law that don't allow Jews in public German school

    Law that don't allow Jews in public German school
    A new law that limited Jews to go to public school for an education.
    Public school do play a big role for Nazi ideas to inject into children mind.
  • Hitler become the office of president

    Hitler become the office of president
    After the president died in August 2, 1934, Hitler become absolute dictator of Germany. Hitler demand to be called Führer.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    Buchenwald camp is the largest camp that have authorities that treat Jews, Jehovah witness, and etc with cruel treatment.
  • Kristallnacht

    A mob full of German attacks Jews business, and Jewish people. It force Jews to run away.
  • Reichstag Speech

    Reichstag Speech
    Hitler tell the German that the outbreak of the war will be the end of European Jewry. Nazis ordered book burning, Jewish boycott, and anti-Jewish legislation.