Feb 15, 1095
The Crusades
The crusades started in 1095 when the Christians Formed an army for Pope Urban II. Their main focus was to attack the Muslims and to take over the Holy Land from them. The crusades lasted from 1095-1229 but there were also many other types of crusades led by other people. The crusades were made of a four main armies. After they had attacked multiple places they started to go and march to Jerusalem where they will attack and kill many Muslims and Jews at the same time. They went and killed a lot. -
Feb 17, 1292
Johann de Wettre's execution
Johann was know as a small knife maker in 1292. Johann was sentenced to execution in 1292 for sodomy, also known as homosexuality. This was the earliest recorded death for homosexuality. Johann was to be burned at the pillory next to St. Peter's. "Johann However accidental, de Wettre’s stake is a landmark for Christendom’s emerging conception of same-sex desire as not only a capital crime, but a downright existential threat," Headsman. Johann was not the first to get executed for homosexuality. -
Feb 16, 1348
The Black Death
The black death was a deadly disease that had kill 1/3- 1/4 of the population of Europeans in 1346-1353. The disease had 3 different reactions. One was blackening of skin, another was the swollen lymph nodes and other more common side effects. People could actually live his disease if they were actually lucky. Some armies even used dead bodies with the disease to weaken the insides of a city. The people of Europe had blamed the Jews for this bad time and tortured them until they had admitted it. -
Feb 16, 1530
Egyptians Act of 1530
In the act of Egyptians in 1530, England was trying to go and kick out all of the Roma in England. The Roma were settled before 1505 when England had made a law to press against them to try to get them to leave. In 1554 the people of England took actin and had started to force them out if they did not give up their nomadic lifestyle. Roma who were known also as Gypsies were later to also get kicked out of Scotland from a pain of death in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries which effect them. -
Feb 17, 1533
Buggery Act
The buggery act was an act that was placed onto homosexual people in France in 1533. The act was made by King Henry VIII and it was one of the first ever anti-sodomy law that was passed in Germanic country. The act was harsh for homosexual people as the punish meant for being one would be hanging. Even animals were in effect also because they had feared of hybrid births at the time. This act was not really lifted until 1861 by france. The act was sometimes suggested as a measure against clergy. -
Feb 16, 1569
Hebraeorum Gens
The Hebraeorum Gens was told to the people by the pope at the time. Pope Pius V was marked as one of the most anti-Semitic popes at the time. He made the Hebraeormud Gens to help get the Jews out of France and Italy by saying things that might have not even be true about them. This was hard on the Jews considering the fact that they had to keep moving from place to place until they were finally able to stay at one place. The towns in France and Italy gave all of the Jews about ninety days to go.