
  • Book Burning

    Book Burning
    Due to books being "un-german" many university students burn up to 25,000 books at Berlin's Opera Square.
  • Kristallnacht

    During this time Nazi Parties and members of the Hitlers Youth carried out an anti jew pogrom. These riots destroyed and burned down hundreds of synagogues and looted more than 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses. Many Jews lost their life due to violent outbursts.
  • German invade Poland

    German invade Poland
    Germany's force entrance through polish defenses was the initiating of world war II in Europe. During their breakthrough, they were making their way to Warsaw, Poland's capital. In doing so, many jews and non-jew fled their home in hopes that the Polish army would defeat the germans but due to heavy bombing, they had to surrender. the defeat of Poland also leads the British and France to declare war on Germany.
  • Jewish Badge

    Jewish Badge
    A German official named Reinhard Heydrich segregated the Jewish people from others by making all over the age of 6 would wear a yellow star of David which on the inside would have the german word for jews which would say "Jude". This would work as a way to humiliate the jews, to watch and control them, and to eventually kill off the Jewish population in Europe.
  • Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich

    Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich
    The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich was due to two Czech agents rolling a hand grenade under his car when he was on his way to an airport to fly for a meeting at Hitler's headquarters. the grenade s goes into his leg and lower back infecting his leg, later killing him more than a week later. Due to the attack, germans make a wave of terror towards the Czech village of Lidice shooting and killing all of the men, deporting most women and children to camps in Germany, and destroying the village.
  • Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
    due to harsh german ways towards Jewish people, many escape the consideration camps in a way of safety. this did risk them into punishment as far as death if they were caught and captured. some germans placed posters advising people to turn in a jew and not aid them in any way. if they were caught doing so, they would also be punished by death.
  • Kielce Pogrom

    Kielce Pogrom
    A violent massacre happened a year after the war has ended. This massacre was made up of Jewish people. This was a way to discourage them from returning to Poland. All of this was at the southeastern Polish town of Kielce which convince many polish Jewish people that they are not welcome and have no future in Poland.
  • Displaced Persons Act

    Displaced Persons Act
    The displaced persons act that the U.S congress passed helped over 400,000 displaced people that would help them immigrate over and above quota restrictions. The officials helped over 80,000 Jewish displaced people with DP visas.