
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    Hindenberg appointed Hitler Chancellor in 1933 because Hitler was a strong leader that spoke proudly.
  • Jewish in the military gets rejected in the army

    Jewish in the military gets rejected in the army
    when Hitler appointed The Nuremberg Race Laws, Jews' rights diminished.
  • The start of the Jewish rights reducing

    The start of the Jewish rights reducing
    The Executive Order on the Reich Tax Law "forbids Jews to serve tax consultants." Reich Veterinarians Law takes away Jews from the profession
  • Concentration camp opens

    Concentration camp opens
    Hitler would send Jews and people that rejected him and his party and they were either killed or put to hard labor.
  • The start of WWll

    The start of WWll
    Jews were forced to wear an armband or a yellow star. Heydrich issues establishing ghettos in German-occupied Poland.
  • The first sign of the homicides

    The first sign of the homicides
    Anit-Jewish riots in Romania butchered hundreds of Jews. German authorities round up polish Jews for a transfer to the Ghetto.
  • Jews didn't know they were gonna get murderd

    Jews didn't know they were gonna get murderd
    they killed the Jews with gas which killed 250,000 after this they would burn their bodies and take all of their valuable items.
  • The end of the tragedy

    The end of the tragedy
    Towards the end of WWll Hitler committed suicide and a little after that the United States bombed Japan which caused them to surrender and the war was won by the allies.