Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
Dachau, the first concentration camp, is opened
Enabling Act is passed
Gives Hitler absolute power -
First of the Nuremberg Laws is published
Takes rights away from Jews and forbids marriage between Jews and “Aryans” -
representatives from 32 countries met in Evian, France
to discuss the growing refugee crisis in Europe -
Nazi-instigated rampage against Jewish shops in Germany and Austria -
Regulations Against Jews
made it illegal for Jews to carry firearms or other weapons -
German invasion of Poland
Starts WWII -
first instance of mass murder by gas under Hitler’s rule
The Nazis begin a program of gassing the mentally disabled in Germany
Nazi pseudo-documentary The Eternal Jew
attempted to justify the extermination of Jews from Europe -
Auschwitz concentration camp is opened in Poland
a prison for Poles and an outstation for colonization of the East -
Germans and their allies invade the Soviet Union
First gassings with Zyklon-B at Auschwitz
33,000 Soviet Jews are massacred
buried in a mass grave at Babi Yar, outside Kiev, Ukraine -
Wannsee Conference discusses the “Final Solution”
Operation Harvest Festival
18,000-40,000 Jews at Majdanek concentration camp are massacred -
liberated Majdanek
Last gassings at Auschwitz
Soviet troops entered Birkenau
Auschwitz is liberated by Russians
Bergen-Belson was the first camp to be liberated by Western Allied officers
Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin bunker
last concentration camp is liberated by the U.S.
Allies accept Germany’s unconditional surrender