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  • Hitler

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
    The SA attacks Jewish Shops.
    Jews are forced out of jobs in newspapers and the Civil Service.
  • Newspapers on Jews

    Newspapers on Jews
    Jewish people banned from having health insurance.
    Nazi Newspapers claim that Jews murder Christian children.
  • Jews are banned

    Jews banned from all ‘professional’ jobs.
    Jews banned from working any political or Government role.
  • Night of broken glass

    Night of broken glass
    Kristallnacht – Night of Broken Glass A night of extreme violence against Jews.
    100 Jews murdered
    20,000 Jews sent to concentration camps
    Synagogues and Jewish homes burned down
    Windows of Jewish shops smashed
    Jews forced to pay a fine for Kristallnacht
  • Germany takes Polland

    Germany invades Poland.
    Jews in Poland and Czechoslovakia begin to be persecuted.
    All Jews in Nazi controlled territory forced to wear yellow star
  • Germany invades Holland and Denmark

    Persecution in these countries begins.
    Auschwitz opens.
    Warsaw ghetto is sealed of in Poland – 400,000 Jews inside.
  • Germany invades USSR

    The Einsatzgruppen is set up – a!killing squad to murder Jewish people
    wherever they are found in the USSR.
    All Jews in Europe now have to wear the yellow star.
    Western Jews begin to be deported to Polish Ghettos – areas of cities set aside to house Jews in terrible conditions. Many thousands die of starvation and disease.
    Gassing of Jews starts at Chelmno – the first death camp.