
  • the terror begins

    the terror begins
    Communists, Socialists, and other political opponents of the Nazis were among the first to be rounded up and imprisoned by the regime.
  • takeover of power

    takeover of power
    In March 1933, Adolf Hitler addressed the first session of the German Parliament (Reichstag) following his appointment as chancellor.
  • from citizens to outcasts

    from citizens to outcasts
    Many Germans continued to enter the Jewish stores despite the boycott, and it was called off after 24 hours. In the subsequent weeks and months, more discriminatory measures against Jews followed and remained in effect.
  • nazi race laws

    nazi race laws
    Among other things, the laws issued in September
    1935 restricted future German citizenship to those
    of “German or kindred blood,” and excluded those
    deemed to be “racially” Jewish or Roma (Gypsy).
  • the sicence of nazi

    Members of the Hitler Youth receive instruction in racial hygiene at a Hitler Youth training facility. The Nazis divided the world’s population into superior and inferior “races.”