Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor
The National Socialist German Workers party or known as the Nazi Party got control of the German state when the president Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as Chancellor making the Nazi party now members of the Coalition. -
Röhm Affair
Hitler orders the SS to murder the SA chief of staff Ernst Rohm and his commanders; the SS also murdered conservative critics of the Nazi regime including Kurt von Schleicher and then got the German parliament make the killings legal. -
Death of German President von Hindenburg
The president Paul von Hindenburg dies, and with the help of his armed forces Hitler becomes president of Germany. He then abolishes the office of president and declares himself Fuhrer (leader)of the people and the German Reich; with him already being chancellor he is now the absolute dictator of Germany and has no limits to his authority. -
Nuremburg Race Laws
The Nuremberg Laws were antisemitic and racial laws in Germany; they prohibited marriages and extramarital intercourse between Jews and Germans and forbade employment of German women under 45 in German households. They did not define a "Jew" as someone with religious beliefs but someone who has three or four Jewish grandparents. -
Buchenwald Concentration Camps open
The SS authorities open Buchenwald concentration camp for males, and it soon became the largest concentration camp established within the German borders where women were not apart of the Buchenwald camp until late 1943-1944. Everyone who was in these Buchenwald are locked in and considered prisoners and often got shot or killed when doing something wrong. -
Munich Agreement
Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement on September 29th of 1938 which surrenders the Czechoslovakia border regions and defenses to Nazi Germany. -
Exclusion of Jews from German Economic Life
On November 12th the German Government issued a decree that Jews were eliminated from the economic life; by which Jews are not allowed to operate retail stores, sale agencies, and from carrying on a trade. The Jews also can not sale any goods of any kind. -
Reichstag Speech
Adolf Hitler tells the German public and the world that the outbreak of war would soon come to the end of European Jewry. Nazi's ordered anti-Jewish boycotts, staged book burning's, and enacted anti-Jewish legislation but it wasn't until the outbreak of war when the genocide of the Jews happened.