Holocaust image


  • Germans Take Over Denmark

    Germans Take Over Denmark
    Jews in Denmark heard word about what was happening to people in Germany and got on a boat to escape what they knew was coming. They ended up in France after Cuba and America both denied them. Germany takes over Denmark and sets up more concentration camps.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    in 1932, Hitler ran for presidency against Hindenburg and lost, but was appointed Chancellor in 1933 because he got 38% of the votes, which is a lot.
  • Hitler Gains Total Control Over Germany

    Hitler Gains Total Control Over Germany
    Hindenburg dies, which allows for Hitler to rise to power. The Enabling Acts gave Hitler absolute power over Germany. He tries to have Germans stop shopping at nongerman owned stores, but that quickly fails. He then starts producing lots of propaganda against the Jews and for Himself and the German Population
  • Heavy Discrimination Against the Jews

    Heavy Discrimination Against the Jews
    Hitler forces the Jews to wear/carry identification of their "race," which is if they have at least one grandparent who is Jewish. Many Jewish laws are passed, and Jews are denied German citizenship. They are also no longer allowed to fly the German flag, if they even wanted to.
  • The Night of The Broken Glass

    The Night of The Broken Glass
    A German Diplomat was harassing a Jewish family, and in turn, got killed by the parent's son. In response to this act, the Nazis, with Hitler's support, wreaked havoc on Jewish homes, stores, synagogues, etc.
  • Start of Violence Towards Jews

    Start of Violence Towards Jews
    From 1933-1939, most of the acts towards the Jewish were non-violent. Around the last 2 years (1938/39), concentration camps were opening, and Jews were being moved to said camps.
  • The US Declares War On Germany And Japan

    The US Declares War On Germany And Japan
    After the Attack On Pear Harbour, America declares war on both Germany and Japan. They end up finding evidence of the Concentration Camps, but nobodies. This is because the Nazis were marching the Jews to camps closer inside Germany until they started just killing them on the spot.
  • End of the Holocaust

    End of the Holocaust
    The US won the war, and Hitler poisons his dog to see if it is strong enough. It works, so he poisons his children and the women. He and his propaganda creator guy shot themselves