Holocaust 5th period

  • Hitler was appointed as Chancellor

    Hitler was appointed as Chancellor
    Hitler is now Chancellor so he holds more power over the people. The people will now start to take him more serious and actually listen to what he has to say. However, even though he is now chancellor he is still power hungry and wants more control. He will continue taking steps in his long term plan of wiping out all Jews.
  • Hitler is now Leader and Chancellor and the army must swear to him

    Hitler is now Leader and Chancellor and the army must swear to him
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Hitler made a series of laws that were meant to discriminate against the Jews. These laws prevented Jews from being able to join the military and prevented them from almost all other natural rights. After these laws were made Jews struggled to find jobs, and keep up with day to day living.
  • First concentration camp opens

    First concentration camp opens
    The Sachsenhausen concentration opened. This was the first recorded concentration camp to open. Concentration camps just started to grow from here
  • Jewish children no longer allowed in German schools

    Jewish children no longer allowed in German schools
    The discrimination between the Jews and the Germans increases to children as well as now Jewish children are no longer allowed to get an education. Jewish people now have to jump through more hoops to try and continue with day to day life
  • Jews in German-occupied Poland forced to wear an arm band or yellow star

    Jews in German-occupied Poland forced to wear an arm band or yellow star
    Just to make the Jews more pronounced they must now wear a yellow star showing that they are Jews. This made life even harder for the Jews as now its harder for them to conceal who they actually are. More people are starting to see them and commit hate crimes against them.
  • The "Final solution" came into play

    The "Final solution" came into play
    The final solution was a plan came up with by Hitler to get everyone to turn against the Jews, ultimately getting rid of them faster. He has also just gotten France to surrender so he has more territory which gives the public hope that he is a great leader covering his true intentions.
  • First armed revolt

    First armed revolt
    There was an armed revolt in the concentration camp "Sobibor." This only sparked more and more revolts to happen throughout the concentration camps and Germans started loosing control over the situation. Making more mistakes, leaving openings for Jews, and other costly mistakes.
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    The past year has been full of death runs and bombings as Hitler starts to gain publicity on what concentration camps really are. People start trying to expose him and kill him and at some point it gets to be too much for him to handle so he commit's suicide. Not long after the Jews are rescued and taken to safety and the holocaust is over!