
By Tycen H
  • Hitler gets power

    Hitler gets power
    Hitler comes to power, by becoming chancellor of Germany
  • Boycott of businesses

    Boycott of businesses
    Hitler boycotts Jewish businesses
  • Jewish descent

    Jewish descent
    Hitler makes people carry around their paper showing where their ancestor's came from
  • Exit Visas

    Exit Visas
    Jews wait in a line at police station to get exit visas to leave Germany
  • Kristall Nacht

    Kristall Nacht
    Hitler sends German soldiers out to Jewish neighborhoods to destroy their homes and businesses
  • Jewish Documents

    Jewish Documents
    Jewish people describe what happens in the ghettos on anything they can write on like, cans.
  • Jews sent to camp

    Jews sent to camp
    Hitler put 100's of Jews in trains and sent them to concentration camps.
  • Helsingor Sewing Club

    Helsingor Sewing Club
    Danish ferries ferried 7,220 Jews safely across the narrow strait to neutral Swedish land