Kirkland Holocaust

  • Start of the Nazi Party

    Start of the Nazi Party
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party became the leaders in Germany
  • Start of Nazi Germany's Expansion

    Start of Nazi Germany's Expansion
    Germany starts their expansion by annexing Austria and Sudetenland.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II began in Europe
  • "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question"

    "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question"
    The period of mass murders as it did not start immediately from the rule of Hitler's assignment as chancellor.
  • Killing Centers

    Killing Centers
    Extermination camps that used gas chambers to mass murder. 5 camps- Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau.
  • Liquidating Ghettos

    Liquidating Ghettos
    From 1941-1942, as ghettos were rising in prominence, Nazis started to liquidate them as a part of the "final solution"
  • Germany's Control

    Germany's Control
    By 1942, Germany had control of most of Europe and parts of North Africa.
  • Holocaust Ends

    Holocaust Ends
    Germany surrenders to the Allied powers