
By kaynell
  • adolg hitler appointed chancellor

    adolg hitler appointed chancellor
    gets control over the german state
  • establish of dachau camp

    establish of dachau camp
    The SS establishes the Dachau concentration camp in March 1933.
  • Reichstag fire decree

    Reichstag fire decree
    President Hindenburg suspends constitutional protections in Germany.
  • anti-jewish boycott

    anti-jewish boycott
    Members of the Nazi Party and its affiliated organizations organize a nationwide boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Germany.
  • law for the restoration of the professional civil serves

    law for the restoration of the professional civil serves
    German law excludes Jews and other political opponents from civil service positions.
  • law limit jews in public schools

    law limit jews in public schools
    The Law against Overcrowding in Schools and Universities limits the number of Jewish students in public schools.
  • book burning

    book burning
    Books deemed "un-German" are publicly burned throughout Germany.
  • law for the "prevention of offspring with hereditary disease"

    law for the "prevention of offspring with hereditary disease"
    New German law mandates the forced sterilization of certain individuals with physical and mental disabilities.