

  • holocaust begins

    holocaust begins
    Antisemitism & Racism start.
  • Jews are droppin like flies

    Jews are droppin like flies
    Jewish population is decreasing due to Antisemitism.
  • Small Battles

    Small Battles
    Period: 1939 to 1941
    Small Battles
    battles between Germany and other European countries
  • U.S. gets involved

    U.S. gets involved
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the U.S. got involved Gas chambers were used to kill Jews at this time
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising begins

    Battle of Kursk
    Rescue of Jews in Denmark
    Soviet troops liberate Kiev
  • Death March

    Death March
    50,000 prisoners from the stutthof camp system in northern poland.
    60,000 prisoners from the aushwitz camp system.
    American forces liberate the dachau consentration camp.
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
    Germany surrenders.