Period: to
Germany becomes a one-party dictatorship under Hitler
On February 27, 1933, there was a fire in the Reichstag building. The fire provided the excuse to declare a state of emergency. This allowed the government to abolish civil liberties and take over state governments. In the March 5 Reichstag elections, the Nazi Party won 44% of the vote. Together with its coalition partner, the Party barely won a majority of seats. Hitler used arrests, intimidation, and false promises to get the necessary votes to pass the Enabling Act -
Location of the holocaust
Nazi Germany’s territorial expansion began in 1938–1939. During this time, Germany annexed neighboring Austria and the Sudetenland View This Term in the Glossary and occupied the Czech lands. On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany began World War II (1939–1945) by attacking Poland -
Threat from Within
By 1934, the main threat to Hitler’s continued control of the government came from within the Nazi Party, specifically the SA. SA men were eager to punish enemies and cash in on the Nazi takeover. Their violence and intimidation were met with increasing public disapproval. To reassure the nation, Hitler announced that the revolutionary phase of the “national uprising” had ended. Among the SA, however, there was talk of a second revolution. This was to be led by SA commander Ernst. -
Nazis ban all Jehovah's Witnesses Organizations due to their refusal to pledge loyalty to Germans as it went against their religion
Revises criminal code
Establishes race laws which were directed mostly towards Jews as if they were considered one, they were no longer a part of Germany & more. Sachsenhausen concentration camp opens
The Olympics held in Germany- Nazi Propaganda -
Buchenwald camp opens
Plans to murder Jewish prisoners
Nazi Propaganda exhibition opens
Establishes higher SS Himmler's regional representative
Evian conference from 32 countries discuss German- Jewish refugees trying to flee from Nazi Germany-
United States and others refuse to ease their immigration restrictions
Kristallnacht ( Night of Broken Glass) anti-Jewish program where over 1,400 synagogues were destroyed 7,500 shops were looted and many Jews were sent to concentration camps. -
Reichstag Speech
US introduces bill to refuge children- bill dies in 1939
Louis set sail with Jews trying to escape from Nazi Germany- denied passage
First Polish ghetto
Lodz Ghetto
Italy declares war or Britain and France-- WWII begins -
Anti-Jewish Riots- Jews murdered
Commissar Order- officials in Soviet Communist Party spread patriotic communist pro-communist propaganda
Mass shootings
Nazi Germany plans to execute 2 mil Jews
Operation Reinhard- Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka ( killing centers)
Final solution- murder begins at Sobibor
Deportation killing
Allied Nations stated Germans Authorities engaging in mass murders would " not escape retribution". -
Germany had a bad defeat which stringed on losses at Stalingrad- a turning point
Many uprisings, in ghettos-Jews tried to resist
Treblinka killings begin- then Sobibor
Us President Franklin D. Roosevelt creates the War Refugee Board-
Chelmo opened and restaffed to kill more Jews kill Lodz
Liquidation of Lodz began afterward
Heinrich Himmler commands the destruction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers as well as crematoria to get rid of any signs of the killings -
End of the holocaust
Lodz shuts down- Death Marchs and Liberation
Hitler commits suicide so he could evade being captured by Soviet Union
Germany surrenders
Holocaust refugees/ survivors place in displacement camps
WWII comes to an end after the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
US President Truman gives a preference for survives for immigration, however the process it's self was still difficult and continued to be so years after.