Boycott of Jewish owned Shops
SS Open Dachau Conc. Camp
Nuremberg Laws Starts
Evian Conference
A meeting to discuss what to do about the growing number of Jewish refugees coming from Europe. It failed to address the issue. -
voyage of ss st louis
warsaw ghetto established
Action T-4
Germany's euthanasia program in which doctors killed people they deemed incurably sick -
germans establish first ghetto
Violent Anti Jewish Programs. Jews are arrested and sent to Concentration Camps. -
Auschwitz Birkenau begins operations
Babi Yar Massacre
Period: to
Operation Reinhard
Codename given to the secretive Nazi plan to mass murder European as well as most Polish Jews in the General Government district. The operation marked the deadliest phase of the Holocaust with the introduction of extermination camps. As many as two million people, almost all of whom were Jews, were sent to Bełżec, Sobibór, and Treblinka to be put to death -
chelmno death camp begins
Wannsee Conference
Nazi leaders determined the "final solution" of putting Jews in concentration camps and murdering them -
Aktion 1005
Operation to hide any evidence that people had been murdered by Nazi Germany -
Treblinka Death Camp Begins
warsaw ghetto uprising
Soviet Forces Liberate Auschwitz
death march from auschwitz
US forces liberate Dachau and Buchenweld
War Crimes Tribunal: Nuremberg