
By gofoopa
  • world war 1

    when germane and the Jews went to war and the Jews won
  • treaty of versaillers

    germany lost world war 2 and was looking for anyone who could save them
  • hipper inflation

    the price of in germane
  • beerhall putsch

    hitler attempts to overthrow the german government
  • hitler on trial

    uses trial to give huge speech further blaming jews for problems of germany
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    weimar repulic

    the president was a popular war hero named hindedurg
  • hetlier becomes chancellor of germany

    hetlier was a grate speaker and foold his people
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    a time were the jews won would war 1 and germane was in a lot of dept and hitler got all iews died
  • reichstag fire

    hitler blames communists for fire ...
  • kristallancht

    the night the glass fell
  • ghettos

    largest ghettos were in cities like Warsaw or Lodz in Poland
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    world war2

  • euthanasia program begins

    systematic killing of those Germans whom the Nazis deemed "unworthy of life" because of mental illness or physical disability.
    Eventually , 80,000 people with disabilities will be killed
  • wannsee conference

    Nazi leaders approve the "FINAL SOLUTION" or plan to EXTERMINATE THE JEWS
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    as the army advanced into the soviet union, these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them.. usually by shooting.
  • liberation of concentration camps

    jews got seat to camps to work to there death or to just die but they had know idea that they where going to die they got told that there was hope for them to live a good life again.
  • nerner laws

    -denied citizenship
    -forbade Jews from marrying non-Jews
    -cannot fly national flag
    -punishments included fines, imprisonment and hard labor
    (eventually many more discrimination laws would be put place building on this one)
  • liberated

    camps throughout Europe are liberated by allied forces
  • late April

    Hitler commits suicide rather than face capture by the soviet red army
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    the allies and the international community put a number of germans on trial for war crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. displaced
  • hitler becomes chhan

  • germany Invades poland

    srat w w II which has 3 million Jews in its population wwII begins A world war will result in the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe