
  • Coming to Power

    Coming to Power
    Hitler and the Nazi party comes to power in Germany.
  • Territorial Expansion

    Territorial Expansion
    The Nazi party beings territorial expansion
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    The Night of Broken Glass was a pogrom against Jews. A Jewish person shot an officer which lead to the Final Solution.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Hitler started his last plan which was to kill all the Jews. This started the Holocaust.
  • Mass Killings

    Mass Killings
    The SS and police units began massive killings of Jewish people. By autumn, mobile gas vans were introduced to transport Jews.
  • Complete Solution

    Complete Solution
    Hermann Goering had an SS general begin to make preparations to fully kill the Jews.
  • Killing Center

    Killing Center
    Nazi leaders created three different killing centers for the Jews in Poland. These were Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka.
  • The End

    The End
    The end of the Holocaust. It lasted four years, from 1941 to 1945. Over 6 million Jews were killed, but 11 million people were murdered all together.