101129381 mediaitem101123409


  • Hitler Campaign Speech

    Hitler Campaign Speech
    In July 1932 the Nazi Party wins 230 seats in German parliamentary elections, becoming the largest party represented.
  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    On the day of his appointment as German chancellor, Adolf Hitler greets a crowd of enthusiastic Germans from a window in the Chancellery building.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    Less than 3 months after coming to power in Germany, the Nazi leadership stages an economic boycott targeting Jewish-owned businesses and the offices of Jewish professionals.
  • Law Limits Jews in Public Schools

    Law Limits Jews in Public Schools
    The German government issues the Law against Overcrowding in Schools and Universities, which dramatically limits the number of Jewish students attending public schools.
  • Death of German President von Hindenburg

    Death of German President von Hindenburg
    German President Paul von Hindenburg dies. With the support of the German armed forces, Hitler becomes President of Germany.
  • Olympic Games Open in Berlin

    Olympic Games Open in Berlin
    The Summer Olympic Games open in Berlin, attended by athletes and spectators from countries around the world.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazi Party officials, members of the SA and the Hitler Youth carry out a wave of violent anti-Jewish pogroms throughout Greater Germany. The rioters destroyed hundreds of synagogues, many of them burned in full view of firefighters and the German public and looted more than 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses and other commercial establishments.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    German forces broke through Polish defenses along the border and quickly advanced on Warsaw, the Polish capital. Hundreds of thousands of refugees, both Jewish and non-Jewish, fled the German advance hoping the Polish army could halt the German advance.