Holocaust pictures


  • taking power

    taking power
    nazis had concentrated on silencing thier political opponents- communists, socialists, liberals and any one who spoke out agains germany
  • non aryans

    non aryans
    Hitler ordered al non aryans to be removed from goverment jobs
  • stripped jew of citenship

    stripped jew of citenship
    the nurember lawa stripped jewa pf their citensonship jobs and prooperty
  • kristallnacht

    nazi stormtroopers attack jew homes businesses and sybagous across germany
  • st. louis

    st. louis
    the coast gaurd followed the ship to [revent anyone from embarking america
  • final solution

    final solution
    gypsies freeeeeeemasons jehova witnesses, communists socialists and libersal were sent to concentration camps.
  • death camps

    death camps
    before meeting wannsee each camp had several huge gas chambers in which as manny as 12000 peopl ecould be killed a day
  • the final stage

    the final stage
    they usesd starvation and a third method of poising