
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany
  • First concentration camp opened

    First concentration camp opened
    This was opened at Dachau in Germany
  • Nuremberg Laws

    These took away many of sJewish peoples rights
  • Schools

    No Jewish students can attend German schools.
  • Buchenwald concentration camp opens

  • Auschwitz opened

    Auschwitz opened
    This camp was the most deadly and the most people died here then anywhere else during the Holocaust.
  • mobile killing squads

    34,000 Jews are killed by a mobile killing sqaud.
  • Stars of David

    Stars of David
    Jews in France and Netherlands are required to wear Stars of David.
  • Treblinka death camp opens

  • Gypsies

    All gypsies in Nazi countries are arrested and sent to Auschwitz.
  • Gas Chambers

    Four new gas chambers have opened at Auschwitz and have a daily capacity of 4,756 bodies.
  • Deportation of Jews

    Over 430,000 Jews are sent to Auschwitz.
  • Chelmno

    7,196 Jews are moved to Chelmno and killed.
  • German officers

    German officers try and fail to assassinate Hitler.
  • WW2 Begins

  • Open Pit Burning

    Open Pit Burning
    They starting burning the 107,000 corpses at Auschwitz.
  • Rebelion

    People at Auschwitz rebel and blow up a crematorium.
  • Last gas chamber

    Last gas chamber
    This is the date of the last time the gas chambers were used at Auschwitz.
  • Hilter Died

    HItler commited sucide
  • Germany Surrenders