Paul von Hindenburg defeats Adolf Hitler in presidential elections.
Adolf Hitler refuses to serve under Franz von Papen as vice chancellor of Germany
Hindenburg appoints Hitler chancellor of Germany
Adolph Hitler seizes power in Germany. Hindenburg is reduced to a figure head.
President Hindenburg Dies
Hitler assumes the presidency of Germany when Hindenburg dies and thus gains full control of the government.
Germany unleashed its new air force.
Nazis ban Jews from serving in the military.
The German Army enters the Rhineland
Germany and Japan sign an anti-Comintern pact
Guernica in Spain is bombed by the Luftwaffe.
Italy joins the Germany and Japan in the Anti-Comintern Pact.
Adolf Hitler orders the release of imprisoned Austrian Nazis.
Adolf Hitler orders the German Army into Austria
The German Army invades Czechoslovakia.
Adolf Hitler demands the free city of Danzig in Poland.
The German Army invades Denmark and Norway.
The German Army enters Paris
Yugoslavia surrenders to the German Army.
The Luftwaffe destroy the House of Commons in Westminster.
Reinhard Heydrich is shot in Prague by Czech resistance fighters
Erwin Rommel and the German Army captures Tobruk.
The Luftwaffe renews its air attacks on London.
Red Army recaptures the city of Kursk in the Soviet Union.
Allied bombing of Nuremberg Raid.
July Plot against Adolf Hitler fails.
Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
The German Army in Czechoslovakia surrender to the Red Army.