Adolf Hitler gets voted as Dictator
President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Reichs Chancellor
President Hindenburg dies.
During the summer "Jews Not Wanted" posters start to appear on restaurants, shops, and on village entrance signs.
Opening of the Olympic Games in Berlin
Jewish owners forced, without legal basis, to sell their businesses, in most cases considerably below the value of their goods.
Law pertaining to the legal rights of Jewish cultural (ethnic) organizations
Decree pertaining to the expiration of permits for Jewish dentists, veterinarians, and pharmacists
Germany invades Denmark and Norway
First massacre of Jews in Rumania
Start of the "resettlements" from Lodz to the extermination camp Chelmno.
First armed resistance against deportation in Warsaw Ghetto
Germany invades Hungary.
Evacuation of Auschwitz. The "Death March" of prisoners begins.