
  • New Year's Day

    New Year's Day
    New Years Day is the first day to a new year. Many people celebrate the new year at midnight.
  • Period: to


  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day
    This is a Day to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. on his birthday.
  • Ground Hog Day

    Ground Hog Day
    On Ground Hog Day they let a ground hog out to see if he see's his shadow to predict how long winter will last.
  • Valentines Day

    Valentines Day
  • President's Day

    President's Day
  • St. Patrick's Day

    St. Patrick's Day
  • April Fool's Day

    April Fool's Day
  • Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday
  • Mother's Day

    Mother's Day
  • Memorial Day

    Memorial Day
  • Father's Day

    Father's Day
  • Independence Day

    Independence Day
  • Labor Day

    Labor Day
  • 9/11 Rememberence

    9/11 Rememberence
  • Colombus Day

    Colombus Day
  • Halloween

  • Veteran's Day

    Veteran's Day
  • Thanksgiving Day

    Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Eve

    Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day

    Christmas Day
  • New Year's Eve

    New Year's Eve