
  • one hundred and ten years before

    The town of Green Lake is a beautiful place where peach trees bloom. There were Katherine(the teacher of the only school and the one who can make spicy peach jam), Sam(an onion seller), and Trout(the richest man in the town). Trout had a good feeling toward Katherine. But Katherine didn't.
  • Stanley's great-grandfather = Elya yelnats

    He wanted to marry someone so he received a pig from Zeroni. Even though he promised Zeroni, he failed to fulfill it and he got cursed.
  • Sam and Katherine

    One day, school needed to be repaired, and Sam helped Katherine. In that process, they fell in love and kissed. However, Sam was black and there was racism. So, villagers attacked Sam and Katherine kissed and killed the one who killed Sam. So, she was known as Kissing Kate Barlow.
  • going to the green lake

    Stanley Yelnats was sent to the green lake instead of jail because he was accussed as a thief of shoes.
  • I didn't finish this timelines. If I use this tech, I will give them some big events from each timeline, and have students fill out the rest:)

    If I use this tech, I will give them some big events from each timeline, and have students fill out the rest:)
  • digging holes

    digging holes
    Stanley had to dig holes every day