Ho Chi Minh

  • The Birth of Ho Chi Minh

    The Birth of Ho Chi Minh
    Ho was born on May 19, 1890 with the name Nguyen Sinh Cung. His parents were Nguyen Sinh Sac his father and Hoang Thi Loan. He was born in Nghe An, Central Vietnam. Throughout his life he changes his name several times to h.de from the police. (Wakin 90-91)
  • World event #1

    World event #1
    Albert Einstein portulates h general theory of relativity. this theory said that an object unified entity of space and time, relativity of simultaneity, unified entity of space and time, relativity of simultaneity,(Grun 469)
  • A Speech to Congress

    A Speech to Congress
    In 1920 Hogave a speech to the socialist Party Congress. (Wakin 92) He said to the French that Vietnam should be freed from their rules.(Wakin 92) Then he wrote articles against French Colonialism, to support his speech. (Wakin 93)He wrote the articles under the name "Nguyen Ai Quoc" which means Nguyen the patriot.(Wakin 93) This was his first try on to freeing his country.
  • World event #2

    World event #2
    chromosome theory of heredity postulated. this theory said that DMA is assed down from parent to child.( Gran 479)
  • Arrested in Hongkong

    Arrested in Hongkong
    In 1931 Ho was arrested by the Chinese police.(Wakin 95) He was arrested, because his hometown led a large scale Communist uprising and Ho's name was there rally cry.(Wakin 94-95) Because of this uprising Ho was sentenced to death, and the Chinese police found him.(Wakin 95) Then Ho escaped prison and then went to find Mao Zedong.(Wakin 95) When he found Mao Zedong they talked about how they should lead and Mao gave Ho some help with getting back his country.
  • World event #3

    World event #3
    Insulin is used to control diabetes. (gran 1937)
  • He gets his name.

    He gets his name.
    On Ho's 51st birthday he renamed himself to Ho Chi Minh. he did this because when he was younger it was a way to hde from the police.(Wakin 95) This name was the most important, because it was the name that he was goimng to be known as.
  • Ho's uprising

    Ho's uprising
    In August 1945 Ho called for an uprising and took control of Hanoi the capital of N. Vietnam. (Larew 121) Then on September 2, 1945 Ho declared Vietnamese independence for the North part of Vietnam.
  • Ho Becomes President

    Ho Becomes President
    Ho became president of N. Vietnam in 1945. as aleeader Ho Chi Minh freed his countrr. He reunited the country and put it under the same government.
  • 1st Indochina War

    1st Indochina War
    It was a war for the control of Vietnam with the French and the Viet Minh. the French had 50,000 troops, while the Viet Minh had 60,000 troops but only 40,000 guns. (Lewellyn et. al.) Started because of tension and hostility between the Viet Minh and the French. (Lewellyn et. al.) The French ended the war by giving N. Vietnam to the Viet Minh. (Lewellyn et. al.)
  • World event #4

    World event #4
    shortest boxin fight in history : Couture wins against Walton. A 1 hit OK that lasted 10.5 sec.(gran 541)
  • World event #5

    World event #5
    U.S.S.R. sends up Spunik I and II. (Gran 541)
  • Ho Chi Minh Trail

    Ho Chi Minh Trail
    The Trail was started on May 9, 1959 and it was used to aid Ho's army to get supplies need to fight in the war.(Ho Chi Minh Trail"). It was 9,940 mi. long and it shipped over 20,000 tons of supplies to the army.(Murray 22) With this trail he was able to take over Saigon and take the rest of the country.(Ho Chi Minh Trail").
  • world event #6

    world event #6
    Natioal Gallery of London bys leonardos da Vincis cartoon "the Virgin and Child.(Gran549
  • R.I.P.

    Ho cChi Minh died of a heart attack in Sept. 1969.(Larew 121) he died before the end of the Vietna war, so he never gt to see what he had done for his country.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    It was a war were the Viet Minh take over the rest of the country, because Ho wants to reunite his country.(Hickman) The US helps S. Vietnam tell 1973, when N. Vietnam starts to win. (Hickman)Then they take over Saigon, and the French leaves Vietnam with it under the control of Ho Chi Minh.(Hickman)