My life

  • Birth

    I was born
  • Osama bin laden was assassinated

    He was shot
  • First day of school

    My first day of preschool
  • Met my first best friend

    met my first best friend Colin
  • My best school year

    The best I have ever done in school so far
  • Got my first pet

    Got my hampster
  • covid

    Covid 19 shut the world down
  • Biden elected

    Biden was elected as president
  • Russia and Ukraine war starts

    Russia invades Ukraine
  • trump assassination

    It changed the course
  • My friend died

    My friend did some dumb things that got him killed
  • I got my first guitar

    I got my first guitar for christmas, a green fender strat
  • Got into NJHS

    I was inducted into NJHS
  • First musical

    I did my first musical Newsies
  • Built my guitar

    I finished building my own guitar