
Hlocaust, Cadet, D.

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
  • Nuremburg Laws passed

    Nuremburg Laws passed
    Jews were stripped of German citizenship and banned from marriage with any Aryan
  • Rome-Berlin Axis formed

    Rome-Berlin Axis formed
    Hitler and Mussolini began to form their alliance
  • Kristallnacht (night of broken glass)

    Kristallnacht (night of broken glass)
    An anti-Jewish program launched to eliminate a large amount of jews in retaliation of the murder of a German officer at the hand of a jew.
  • WWII started, ghettos established

    WWII started, ghettos established
    Germany's invasion of Poland allowed them to establish the first ghettos and begin relocating jews
  • Auschwitz concentration camp established

    Auschwitz concentration camp established
    After the invasion of 4 other nations, the largest concentration camp for jews was established
  • "Final Solution" implemented

    "Final Solution" implemented
    After the German invasion of the soviet union, The final solution plan was implemented
  • Deportation of Jews to killing centers begins

    Deportation of Jews to killing centers begins
    Hundreds of thousands of jews were deported to killing centers to be killed by gas or other means