HK history by Shaurya bhandari

  • opium imports

    people get addicted to opium and want it more and more
  • Period: to

    opium war 1

    britain goes to war with china for opium
  • HK leased to britan

    HK leased to britan
    China gave HK to Brittain for 99 years, starting the colonial times for 99 years. Brittain wanted HK for its advanteges geography
  • Period: to

    opium war 2

    britain goes to war with china for opium
  • british trade

    british trade opium for silks, silver, spices and tea.
  • british capture

    Britan takes kowloon, getting victoria harbour in the process
  • japan takes HK

    Britain surrenders to japan and gave HK to japan.
  • IFC

    HK can distribute money equally and make a lot more money.
  • the handover

    it is the day Britain gave HK back to china.
  • Period: to

    sars virus

    many people die because of the sars virus.
  • umbrela revolution

    the protesters only had umbrellas and the police had tear gas.