AIDS Comes to the U.S.
- The first cases of the AIDS outbreak in the United States are reported in 1981 in Los Angeles California, though there is no name for the mysterious disease attacking people’s immune systems. During the first dew outbreaks in the United States, the disease is being found primarily in young gay men.
Picture: Kaulitzki, Sebastian. “HIV Infection: Royalty Free Artwork.” Getty Images. -
Gay Men's Health Crisis Opens
- One year after the first cases of HIV/AIDS were reported, a center called the Gay Men’s Health Crisis is created in New York City, along with the first American AIDS clinic, which opens in San Francisco. Primarily, it is a sight where people can be tested for HIV/AIDS that promotes advocacy, prevention, and education “Gay Men's Health Crisis.” GMHC - Fight Aids. Love Life. Picture: “Gay Men's Health Crisis.” GMHC - Fight Aids. Love Life.
- On March 19, the prescription drug AZT is approved to combat the HIV/AIDS virus. The manufacturer, Burroughs-Wellcome, which is the only manufacturer of the FDA approved drug, is initially selling the drug for $10,000 a year.
Handelman, David. “Act Up in Anger.” Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone Magazine, 8 Mar. 1990.
- On March 19, the prescription drug AZT is approved to combat the HIV/AIDS virus. The manufacturer, Burroughs-Wellcome, which is the only manufacturer of the FDA approved drug, is initially selling the drug for $10,000 a year.
Handelman, David. “Act Up in Anger.” Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone Magazine, 8 Mar. 1990.
ACT UP's First Demonstration
- On March 24, ACT UP participates in their first public demonstration as a group on Wall Street in New York City. The purpose of protesting on Wall Street was to “protest the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies” (“ACT UP Capsule History”).
“ACT UP Capsule History.” ACT UP/NY Chronology 1987. Picture: “Wall Street AIDS Demonstration .” Why We Fight by Vito Russo.
- On March 24, ACT UP participates in their first public demonstration as a group on Wall Street in New York City. The purpose of protesting on Wall Street was to “protest the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies” (“ACT UP Capsule History”).
ACT UP is Formed
- Writer Larry Kramer forms the organization ACT UP (the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) in New York City. According to David France, the mission of the group was simply to push for better medication and a cure to the disease.
“ACT UP Capsule History.” ACT UP/NY Chronology 1987. Picture: Leland, John. “Twilight of a Difficult Man: Larry Kramer and the Birth of AIDS Activism.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 19 May 2017.
- Writer Larry Kramer forms the organization ACT UP (the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) in New York City. According to David France, the mission of the group was simply to push for better medication and a cure to the disease.
AIDS Memorial Quilt
- On October 11, the first display of the Project NAMES AIDS Memorial Quilt is shown at the National Mall in Washington DC. The display happens during the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay right and includes nearly 2,000 panels. “AIDS Quilt Displayed on the National Mall.” Histories of the National Mall. Picture: Chelnick, Judy M. “Collecting an Epidemic: The AIDS Memorial Quilt.” National Museum of American History, 23 June 2015.
"Understanding AIDS" Brochure
- Seven years after the first outbreak, the Federal Government finally sent out sent out a brochure detailing the HIV/AIDS virus called “Understanding AIDS” to every household in the United States, mailing out 107 million.
AP. “U.S. Will Mail AIDS Advisory to All Households.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 5 May 1988. Picture:“HIV and AIDS Timeline.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- Seven years after the first outbreak, the Federal Government finally sent out sent out a brochure detailing the HIV/AIDS virus called “Understanding AIDS” to every household in the United States, mailing out 107 million.
ACT UP Church Demonstration
- A protest called “Stop the Church” demonstration at St. Patrick’s Cathedral is held in New York, led by ACT UP because the Catholic church had been a continuous adversary figure against the HIV/AIDS activism. The demonstrators pass out condoms and pamphlets detailing safe sex to teenagers passing by on the streets. “ACT UP Capsule History.” ACT UP/ NY Chronology 1989. Picture: Grand, Fury. “Men Use Condoms or Beat It.” International Center of Photography, 25 Feb. 2016.
White House Protest
- On October 12, HIV/AIDS activists stage a march to the White House lawn where participants spread the ashes of loved ones beyond the gates of the White House who had died from the virus.
Babington, Charles. “AIDS Activists Throw Ashes at White House.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 12 Oct. 1992. Picture: Grand, Fury. “The Government Has Blood on Its Hands.” International Center of Photography, 3 Mar. 2016.
- On October 12, HIV/AIDS activists stage a march to the White House lawn where participants spread the ashes of loved ones beyond the gates of the White House who had died from the virus.
Presidential Advisory Council
- On June 14, President Bill Clinton appoints a council called the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. The council is committed to fighting to find different treatment and prevention methods for HIV/AIDS and recognizes it as a national epidemic.
HIV.gov. “About PACHA.” HIV.gov, 5 Jan. 2018.
- On June 14, President Bill Clinton appoints a council called the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS. The council is committed to fighting to find different treatment and prevention methods for HIV/AIDS and recognizes it as a national epidemic.
Minority Recognition
- In October, President Clinton announces that AIDS is a “severe and ongoing health crisis” in African- American and Hispanic communities in the United States. He introduces new materials focused on groups other than white male communities, solidifying recognition for groups that have constantly been ignored. AIDS.gov. “A Timeline of HIV/AIDS.” AIDS.gov. Picture: Grand, Fury. “AIDS: 1 in 61.” International Center of Photography, Feb. 2016.
Travel Ban Lifted
- In October, former President Barack Obama lifts the HIV travel ban, which did not allow HIV positive individuals to enter into the United States. Pushed by health and human rights activists, the ban is lifted after 22 years of advocacy.
Preston, Julia. “Obama Lifts a Ban on Entry Into U.S. by H.I.V.-Positive People.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 30 Oct. 2009. Picture: Grand , Fury. “Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your HIV Negative.” International Center of Photography.
- In October, former President Barack Obama lifts the HIV travel ban, which did not allow HIV positive individuals to enter into the United States. Pushed by health and human rights activists, the ban is lifted after 22 years of advocacy.
Approval for PrEP
- The FDA approves a drug called Truvada for PrEP. The drug is marketed as medication that will help those not yet infected from contracting the virus, specifically citing the fact that it can help lower the risk of contraction in “high-risk adults." “History of Gilead, PrEP, and Truvada” Picture: “What Is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)?” AVERT, Avert, 19 Apr. 2018.
HIV/AIDS and High School Students
- The CDC reports that only 1 in 5 high school students who are sexually active have been tested for HIV. Even more alarming, 50% of people in America who are positive do not know that they have the virus, and more and more heterosexual individuals are testing positive for HIV/AIDS.
Dotinga, Randy. “HIV Testing Rates Still Low Among Teens, Young Adults.” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report.
- The CDC reports that only 1 in 5 high school students who are sexually active have been tested for HIV. Even more alarming, 50% of people in America who are positive do not know that they have the virus, and more and more heterosexual individuals are testing positive for HIV/AIDS.
Firing of HIV/AIDS Advisory Panel
- In December, current President Donald Trump fires his HIV/AIDS advisory panel and has yet to give any indication he will be hiring others to take the positions of the council. According to POLITICO, the firings may be so the President can bring in his own panel, but many are skeptical.
Ehley, Brianna, et al. “Trump's Firing Sets Back AIDS Prevention Dfforts.” POLITICO, 3 Jan. 2018.
- In December, current President Donald Trump fires his HIV/AIDS advisory panel and has yet to give any indication he will be hiring others to take the positions of the council. According to POLITICO, the firings may be so the President can bring in his own panel, but many are skeptical.