Hitlers young life

By Em-J101
  • Birth

    born in Braunau (1889), a small town in Austria. His farther was a drunk and beat him, who died when hitler was 14 and him mother doted on him. she died when he was 17
  • young adult

    Despite his mother sending him to a good school, hitler failed his examinations and left at the age of 16. He left home two years later and travelled to Vienna, the capital city of Austria looking for work
  • Artist

    in 1907 hitler arrived in Vienna hoping to be successful as an artist. he failed to get into Veinna art academy after falling the examination and ended up living in a hostel for tramps. For the next 5 years he worked on small jobs and developed a hatred for foreigners, especially Jews
  • Leaving Austria

    Hitler left Austria to avoid being called into the army and went to live in Munich, Germany.
  • joining WW1

    The great war started in 1914, and he decided to be a solider after all and volunteered to join the German Army
  • After WW1

    stayed in the army after war ended
  • NAZI

    by this time hitler was running the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party- the Nazi party