Hitler Timeline

  • Hitler's Father Past Away

    Hitler’s father past away and he was now free from the stern words and domineering authority of his father. This now made Hitler the head of his household.
    Continuity & Change:
    This sense of power and control would lead him to pursue a political career where he would want total control
  • Hitler becomes an anti-Semite in Vienna

    Turning Point
    Hitler said he first became an anti-Semite in Vienna, which had a large Jewish community.
    Historical Significance:
    This was the first time Hitler admitted to being prejudice against Jews which is significant because it relates to why he wanted to get rid of them
  • Hitlers Admiration For Luegar

    Turning Point
    Hitler admired Lueger, a powerful politician, for his speech making skills and effective use of propaganda in gaining popular appeal. He studied Lueger carefully and modeled some of his later behavior on what he learned.
    Continuity & Change:
    Hitler would use what he learned from Luegar and use it effectively when he is in power to manipulate people in Germany
  • Hitlers Mother Dies

    In the early hours of December 21, Hitler's mother passes away.
    Historical Significance:
    Hitler mother dies causing him to believe that the Jewish doctor didn’t try hard enough to save his mother. He then begins to resent Jews even more then he did before
  • Hitler moves to Vienna.

    Hitler plans to attend art school in Vienna but when he is rejected by the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts for the second time in October, he gives up on his dream.
    Historical Significance:
    If Hitler succeed in the his dream to become an artist he wouldn’t have been involved in politics and would be pursuing an art career instead of trying to take over Germany
  • Period: to

    Hitler begins military service in World War I.

    Turning Point:
    Hitler volunteers to join the German military in WW1
    Historical Sig:
    Hitker levaes Austria- Hungray and voulunteers in germany for the army. Hitler levaing his home country and moving to the Germany where he could have a new start and plan his schemes to take over rule Germany
  • Hitler is hospitalized in Germany

    Hitler was wounded in the leg by a shell fragment during the Battle of the Somme. He was hospitalized in Germany.He went sight seeing in Berlin and was appalled at the apathy and anti-war sentiment among German civilians.
    Historical Sig:
    He blamed the Jews for conspiring to spread unrest and undermine the German war effort.This idea of an anti-war conspiracy involving Jews would become an obsession to add to other anti-Semitic notions he acquired in Vienna, leading
  • Nazi Party formed

    Turning Point:
    Hitler wins an election and becomes the leader of new political party, nicknamed Nazi. The party's official name is National Socialist German Workers Party and it believes that equality is only for Germans, not Jews or immigrants.
    Historical Sig:
    This was Hitler’s first approach in politics and he begins to develop an appeal from the majority of people overtime which leads to his dominance in Germany
  • Adolf Hitler named leader of the Nazi Party

    Continuity and change:
    By the early 1921, Adolf Hitler was becoming highly effective at speaking in front of ever larger crowds he was slowly gaining power and appeal from people which will eventually lead him to run for president
  • Adolf Hitler is Sentenced to Five Years' Imprisonment for Treason

    Historical Sig:
    During Hitler's trial, he was given almost unlimited time to speak, and his popularity soared as he voiced nationalistic sentiments in his defence speech. He became a nationally known figure. Hitler received favoured treatment from the guards and had much fan mail from admirers this goes to show Hitler was successfully manipulating the people to follow his beliefs and prejudice ways against Jews
  • Hitler becomes Germany's dictator.

    Turning Point
    A presidential election is held in 1934 that Hitler easily wins, partially because he vows to fight communism. He is now firmly in power as dictator of Germany with the title of Fuhrer.
    Historical Sig:
    Now hitler had full power and could do what he pleased.
  • Nazi Germany Establishes Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp

    Ethical Deminson:
    It was ethically wrong for Hitler to put people in concentration camps according to their ethnic and his outrageous hate for the Jews.
  • Hitler is named Time magazine's "Man of the Year."

    Continuity and change:
    Due to his political dominance and being such as central figure in the world, Time magazine names Hitler as "Man of the Year."
  • Hitler orders the destruction of the Germany's infrastructure.

    Hitler decides that since Germany has lost the war, the country does not deserve to survive. He orders the destruction of the railroads, highways, and other important features of German industry, but the order is not obeyed.
    Historical Sig:
    Hitler was beginning to lose power and order within his government and his plans were failing right before his very eyes
  • Hitler commits suicide in Berlin.

    Continuity and chnage:
    Hitler was trying to avoid being captured by Soviet troops, therfore leading him to commit suicide. He commits suicide by shooting himself in the head while biting down on a poisonous cyanide capsule.