Period: to
Hitler Timeline
Treaty of Versailles Signed
one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers -
Weimar Republic Formed
federal republic and semi-presidential representative democracy established in 1919 in Germany to replace the German Empire -
25 points introduced
devised to give, primarily to the man of the people, a rough picture of the movement's aims -
Military Reorganized under Hitler
Only 17 months after Adolf Hitler announced publicly the rearmament program, the Army reached its projected goal of 36 divisions. During the autumn of 1937, two more corps were formed. In 1938, four additional corps were formed with the inclusion of the five divisions of the Austrian Army after the Anschluss in March.[3] During the period of its expansion by Adolf Hitler, the German Army continued to develop concepts pioneered during World War I, combining ground (Heer) and air (Luftwaffe) asset -
Grand Coaliton
describes a governing coalition of the Christian Democrats and Socialists Democrats -
Munich Putsch
The Beer Hall Putsch, also known as the Munich Putsch, and, in German, as the Hitlerputsch or Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsch, was a failed coup attempt by the Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler -
Hitler at Lansberg Fortress
In 1924 Adolf Hitler spent 264 days incarcerated in Landsberg after being convicted of treason following the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich the previous year. During his imprisonment, Hitler dictated and then wrote his book Mein Kampf with assistance from his deputy, Rudolf Hess. -
Hitler Writes Mein Kampf
While his time was spent in prison he outlined his plans for the future -
Great Depression
struck weimar republic much harder than america -
Terms of von Papen, Bruning, von Schliechen
The Brüning Government, 1930–32
Chancellor Brüning ruled alongside President Hindenburg, using the emergency powers of Article 48.
This government did not suceed in solving the problems, and Brüning wasn’t popular. Von Schleicher, a general in the army, managed to persuade President Hindenburg to get rid of Brüning. He resigned in May 1932.
The Von Papen Government
Von Papen, at the time a member of the Centre Party, became Chancellor. He only had 68 supporters in the Reichstag. He hoped to win -
March 1932 Election
Hitler ran for president but didnt get elected -
July 1932 Reichstag Election
following the premature dissolution of the Reichstag. They saw great gains by the Nazi Party -
Hitler Appointed Chancellor
The supposed one thousand year Reich had started. But it would be another nineteen months before Hitler achieved absolute power -
Reichstag Fire
Fire set to Reichstag and its believed to have been set by Hitler in order to get him what he needed. -
Decree "For the Protection of People and State"
direct response to the Reichstag fire of 27 February 1933. The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. -
Enabling Act
Hitler passed this to be allowed to do what he wantecd to do -
Law for the Restoration of Professional Civil Service
This law re-established a "national" civil service and allowed tenured civil servants to be dismissed. -
DAF formed
German Labour Front -
Concordat Signed
treaty guarantees the rights of the Roman Catholic Church in Germany. -
Law to Ensure the Unity of Party and State
secured the National Socialist monopoly on power on a legislative basis -
Night of the Long Knives
ometimes called Operation Hummingbird or, in Germany, the Röhm-Putsch, was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany from June 30 to July 2, 1934, when the Nazi regime carried out a series of political murders. -
Hindenburg Dies
the much anticipated death of President Hindenburg finally occurred. Within hours, the Nazi Reichstag announced the following law, back-dated to August 1st: The Reich Government has enacted the following law which is hereby promulgated. -
Hitler Declared 'Furher"
With the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg, Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes absolute dictator of Germany under the title of Fuhrer, or “Leader.” -
Waffen SS established
The Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts during World War II were members of the Waffen-SS who have been recruited or conscripted mainly from among the nationals of Nazi-occupied Europe